
Združevanje in vitro inteligence in umetne inteligence z ustvarjanjem novih oblik

Zoran Srdić Janežič, Kristijan Tkalec, Benjamin Fele in Erik Krkač Združevanje in vitro inteligence in umetne inteligence z ustvarjanjem novih oblik…

Klavnica na drugačen način

Saeborg: Klavnica 17Galerija Vžigalica, Ljubljana12 november 2019 – 12 januar 2020 V galeriji Vžigalica se japonska umetnica Saeborg predstavlja z…

Nacionalni izbori na Beneškem bienalu o takšnih in drugačnih spremembah

Za nekatere predstavitve umetniških del, razstavljenih v nacionalnih paviljonih držav, ki sodelujejo na beneškem bienalu, se včasih zdi, da so…

Rita Bullwinkel: Headshot

The girl boxers impressing each other and the reader What makes sports such an interesting literary or film theme are the people in the game — in this case, women fighters — bringing their lives, personal situations, and social backgrounds into the competition. Their fight is made of who they are. Another often explored theme is underprivileged people on the margins, competing with their limited means of expression—their only value that the…

Sofia Coppola: Priscilla

Contemplative experience for the viewer A beautifully made and suffocating film with details which from the start breathe luxury into the scene, the wealth and stillness that surrounds the life of Priscilla, Elvis' little toy and future wife. She is at the same time a very ordinary school girl and a sheltered, adored figure, placed into E's glamorous world to convey a sense of home, a safe space to which he can return from his populated…

Writings about emerging art and literature